Weaving Resistance: Families Belong Together and the Fight for Immigration Reform

Ellis Angel reflects on creating the Families Belong Together weavings, using protest posters from the 2018 march. This post explores the ongoing fight for humane immigration policies, the impact of fear-mongering rhetoric, and a call to vote for compassionate leadership in 2024.

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“What Is America . . . Chants Democratic” to Be Featured in Baker National 2024

Ellis Angel’s weaving, What Is America . . . Chants Democratic, has been accepted into the Baker University National 2024 Exhibition. This mixed media piece, created from Walt Whitman poems, will be on display from February 13 to April 5, 2024, at the Holt-Russell Gallery.

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Cupid’s Arrow (Love Struck) Accepted into District Arts' "Nostalgia" Exhibition

Ellis Angel’s mixed media weaving, Cupid’s Arrow (Love Struck), has been selected for the Nostalgia Exhibition at District Arts in Frederick, MD. This 12 x 12 inch piece reimagines classic representations of love and beauty through woven black-and-white images from the Taschen 1000 Nudes collection.

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