What Is America . . . The New Colossus: Accepted into the 25th LBIF Annual National Juried Competition and Exhibition

What Is America . . . The New Colossus, mixed media weaving by Ellis Angel, created from Emma Lazarus’ poem, 18 x 18 inches, 2023.

What Is America . . . The New Colossus, mixed media weaving by Ellis Angel, created from Emma Lazarus’ poem, 18 x 18 inches, 2023.

I’m excited to share that my piece, What Is America . . . The New Colossus, has been accepted into the 25th Annual National Juried Competition and Exhibition at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences (LBIF)! The exhibition will run from May 20 to July 4, 2023, and I’m honored to have my work displayed alongside such talented artists.

About My Accepted Piece: What Is America . . . The New Colossus

What Is America . . . The New Colossus is an 18 x 18 mixed media weaving, created using shredded pages from Emma Lazarus’ iconic poem, "The New Colossus". Lazarus’ poem, etched into the base of the Statue of Liberty, speaks to the heart of America’s identity as a nation of immigrants—a beacon of hope and freedom for those seeking a better life. This piece is part of my America Is . . . series, which explores what America represents through the words of its most influential writers and poets.

The weaving reflects on the complex and evolving meaning of America. Lazarus' words, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," resonate deeply as a call for compassion and inclusion—values that remain as relevant today as they were when she wrote them. Through this piece, I hope to inspire reflection on what America means, both as an ideal and in practice, especially in the context of immigration and the current political climate.

About the 25th Annual National Juried Competition and Exhibition

The Works on Paper 2023 exhibition at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences is a prestigious event that showcases the many forms of paper-based artwork. This juried competition is open to artists across the U.S., and it highlights works in various media including drawing, painting, prints, and paper constructions.

The exhibition runs from May 20 to July 4, 2023, with a reception and awards ceremony tentatively scheduled for June 23, 2023.

About the Juror: Marilyn Symmes

This year’s competition will be juried by Marilyn Symmes, a highly respected curator with a focus on prints, drawings, and photographs. Symmes has worked with prestigious institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian Design Museum. Her extensive experience in organizing exhibitions and managing museum collections makes her an excellent choice to curate this year’s exhibition.

Final Thoughts

I’m incredibly excited to share What Is America . . . The New Colossus at the 25th Annual National Juried Competition and Exhibition at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences. This piece is a reflection on the American ideal of welcoming all—a theme that resonates strongly with me. I hope viewers are inspired to consider how Lazarus' words continue to shape the meaning of America today.

If you’re near Long Beach Island between May 20 and July 4, I encourage you to visit the LBIF to see the show and experience the diverse and thought-provoking works featured this year. Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for updates as the exhibition approaches!


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